From UU Urban Ministry: Post-election Service of Healing & Transformation

Dear Friends of the Moral Revival:

As we head toward Election Day on Nov. 8 – when we call on people of conscience to cast ballots in keeping with their deepest moral convictions – we also begin to look beyond that day.

The last year has been a time of great strife and division. Our country, our state, our city, neighborhoods and families need healing. To that end, we are calling on people of faith to come together for a

Post-election Service of Healing & Transformation 
Sunday Nov. 13th
Trinity Church in Copley Square

We will pray, sing, and reflect on how to stand with courage against intolerance – while also speaking and active from a place of love.

We are asking people of all people of all faith traditions and no faith tradition to come together across the many lines that divide us. We hope you will not only join us, but that you will reach out to your community to spread the word. We need to come together, inspire one another and find a higher way forward together.
For more information or to volunteer to support the service please reach out to us at We look forward to seeing you there.

In faith,

The Massachusetts Moral Revival Team