Soul Matters: Abundance

“What does it mean to be a people of ABUNDANCE?”

Here’s another option that some of the Soul Matters group members chose to reflect on this month of Thanksgiving.  Try it out:

Abundance On a Scale of 1-10

This exercise invites us not only to recognize the abundance in our lives, but also recalibrate it. Sometimes abundance is a blessing; other times, too much of it is suffocating. Same with scarcity. Much of the time, scarcity feels like a desert, but other times it is the key to freedom. With this in mind, look over the below list and rate how abundant or scarce each is in your life, on a scale of 1 (scarce) to 10 (abundant). Then make time to reflect on the results. What surprised you? What insight came from placing all the rankings side by side?

What clearly needs recalibration?

  1. Access to food
  2. Freedom to make decisions about what you wear
  3. Friends
  4. Moments of beauty
  5. Moments of micro-aggression
  6. Freedom to make decisions about how you use your time
  7. Exercise
  8. Financial independence
  9. Regret
  10. A sense of purpose
  11. Access to health care
  12. Time to volunteer
  13. Access to reliable shelter
  14. Worry
  15. Entertainment devices and activities
  16. Novels read
  17. Dinners where your loved ones sit and talk
  18. Play
  19. Passion
  20. Respect of your peers
  21. Envy
  22. People to talk to when tough times come
  23. Fond memories
  24. Family obligations
  25. Work/professional obligations
  26. Time for meditation/prayer
  27. Self care
  28. Self love

(note: this exercise is an adaptation of the UUA’s Tapestry of Faith )