Apr 10, 2020
7:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Join us for a Good Friday Tenebrae Service, where will will gather together and yet alone, in the darkening evening of our homes. If you like, you may prepare for this service by lighting candles in your homes to help create sacred space. As we journey through Holy Week and experience Jesus’ death, we are going through the ‘dark night of the soul.’  Yet while we mourn and face the fear of these times, we still live in the hope of new life.  Mother Earth will heal.  Spring will return.  Life will begin again. Rev. Anne Mason will lead with readings and insights and Rip Jackson will sing and play on the piano.

There are two ways to enjoy the service:

1. You can join worship through the Zoom video conference platform. Please look for the email with link information on Friday. or contact the administrator at admin@fplex.org

2. You can watch the service through our live video stream on YouTube.

Click here to watch on YouTube