From Your Minister

On Sunday, you are invited to join us for a challenging journey. We will be exploring the vestiges of racism in our own culture, from the time when slavery was the norm here in Lexington and at First Parish. This had created a culture which values the northern European culture more than any other, making the ‘white’ culture the normative one for us all. It has created systems of oppression throughout every avenue of our lives; in our religious life as well as our political and economic life.

We are being asked by leaders of color within Unitarian Universalism to expose the culture of white supremacy in which we live. We will be shifting the structure of our regular worship service to make some time to explore these difficult topics together. On Sunday, we join with 680 Unitarian Universalist congregations who have committed to facing this together. I hope that you will join me as we explore this challenging situation and, hopefully, find our way clear to begin the process of transformation.

In faith,

Rev. Anne