From your Ad Hoc, One-Year Kitchen Committee – Amy Breiting, Carolyn Fleiss, and Marty Kvaal:
Have you ever felt distaste upon entering our kitchens? Dirty sponges? Unwiped counters? Old food composting itself in the fridge? Maybe even a former mouse? Well, take heart. We’re on it…organizing the cleaning and our weekly look-sees.
Some new and/or approved ways of doing kitchen beginning this month:
- Switch to paper towels, sanitation spray, and synthetic scrubbers for cleaning counters and tables and washing dishes.
- Deep cleaning” of the kitchens by a professional crew three or four times a year. This new expense has been approved by the Board.
How YOU can help keep the kitchens tidy and sanitary:
- Sanitize counters, sinks, and tables after every use. Bottles of sanitizing spray and paper towels are in wire baskets in the kitchens.
- Wash/dry/ PUT AWAY all your dirty dishes before leaving the kitchen. Leave counters clear.
- Label your food in the fridge with name and date so it doesn’t disappear into the trash.
We’ll keep you updated occasionally about what we find on our weekly walk-throughs. We’ll be keeping our eyes out for dust, mice, and dirty dishes. Ideas and suggestions welcome.