Al Jacobson/Communities Without Borders Traveling Fellowship Named

First Parish’s Social Action Committee is excited to announce that Meg Jackson and Toni Tasker have been chosen as the first recipients of the Al Jacobson/Communities Without Borders (CWB) Traveling Fellowship. Established this past year through a generous gift from Margie and Bob Gibbon, this award seeks to encourage young and older adult members and friends of First Parish to participate in a two-week summer travel/educational trip to Zambia.

The Zambian Program has been the international centerpiece of FP’s Social Action Committee’s work and is especially critical given today’s global issues. Communities Without Borders is a Boston-based organization and over the years First Parish has supported the education of hundreds of primary and secondary aged boys and girls left orphaned or vulnerable as a result of the AIDS pandemic in Sub-Saharan Africa.

To learn more about the program please contact Margie Gibbons, Al Jacobson, or Cherie Noe.