First Parish’s Social Action Committee is excited to announce that Meg Jackson and Toni Tasker have been chosen as the first recipients of the Al Jacobson/Communities Without Borders (CWB) Traveling Fellowship. Established this past year through a generous gift from Margie and Bob Gibbon, this award seeks to encourage young and older adult members and friends of First Parish to participate in a two-week summer travel/educational trip to Zambia.
The Zambian Program has been the international centerpiece of FP’s Social Action Committee’s work and is especially critical given today’s global issues. Communities Without Borders is a Boston-based organization and over the years First Parish has supported the education of hundreds of primary and secondary aged boys and girls left orphaned or vulnerable as a result of the AIDS pandemic in Sub-Saharan Africa.
To learn more about the program please contact Margie Gibbons, Al Jacobson, or Cherie Noe.