A Breakthrough!
Last month’s inaugural Voices on the Green event was a Breakthrough success. A packed house enjoyed a sparkling evening of speakers, storytellers, and musicians all focused on our first theme, Breakthrough! First Parish members Don Cohen, Cammy Thomas, Zoe Perry-Wood, and Regie O’Hare Gibson were featured storytellers, along with community stars Jeff Leonard (and his jazz trio) and Dr. Todd Rose from Harvard. Along with the aural events, there were delicious edibles contributed by many in the congregation. Afterwards, we were able to provide a hefty donation to the Lexington Arts Council as our co-sponsor of the evening—a good outreach to the community.
Ok, so what’s next?
What do Larry Prusak, Mary Brinton, and Regie O’Hare Gibson have in common? The only way to know will be to come to the next Voices on the Green event called “Balancing on the Hyphen.” Along with other storytellers, speakers, and musicians, they will explore the tensions and opportunities that come from balancing multiple identities—living locally as an Asian-American, an African-American, a bi-sexual American, an immigrant-American, a bi-religious family, etc.
Do you have a hyphenated story to tell? We are looking for a few other people from First Parish (or your neighbors) who can illuminate this topic in an artistic, musical, humorous, thought-provoking, and/or heart-touching way. Do you know a song or a poem or a piece of art that speaks to this topic? If so, send your thoughts to one of the steering committee members: David Rose, Deb Lapides, Regie O’Hare Gibson, and Laura Juitt.
Our co-sponsor/collaborator for this evening is the Lexington Youth and Family Services; we will share our proceeds and donations with them.
Save the date: Friday, April 7, right here at First Parish.