This is a Weekly Update full of thanks to the staff and all the parishioners who made the Friday Pledge Party and the Celebration Sunday Service so special:
– to Erik Svenson and Elisabeth Jas for organizing the Friday night pledge party, including producing the very moving video presented at the party;
– to Rev. Anne, the choir and my fellow Board members for providing highly entertaining pledge music at the party, and to Rip for working with the musicians during rehearsals for accompanying them at the party;
– to Toni Tasker for organizing another building clean up event Saturday morning;
– to Anne, Lisa Maria and Rip for orchestrating a beautiful and moving Celebration Sunday service;
– to Shawna Yen for delivering a wondering testimonial on Sunday;
– to my fellow the Stewardship Team members (Bob Coyne, Katie O’Hare Gibson, Marsha Fox, Bob Gibbons, Erik Svenson) for all their hard work on the pledge drive;
– to everyone who came to the Pledge Party; and,
– to everyone who attend Celebration Sunday;
And most of all, heartfelt thanks to all the members and friends who made pledges for the 17/18 church year. If you have not made your pledge yet, please do so within the next week. Your Stewardship Team will report back to you shortly on pledge drive results.
In the spirit of community,
Tom Rich
Board Chair