Every day people are being challenged to look beyond the safety of their own private world, and pay attention the experience of our companions on the journey. Here at First Parish the scaffolding is coming down from our steeple. What will this newly restored icon mean for us and for our community in the months to come? Join Rev. Anne Mason when she will ask, “If Not Now, When?”
This Sunday the sanctuary choir will sing Brian Tate’s bold “Take Down These Walls,” and Ysaye Barnwell’s poignant “Would You Harbor Me?” For the introit, Austin Burns will sing Gabriel Fauré’s beautiful art song “En Prière.” During the centering music and postlude, Rip Jackson will play an original composition of his called “New England Marshlands” and a “Meditation on Emily Dickinson.”
Click here to listen to last week’s sermon by Rev. Anne Mason, “Far from Perfect.”