Join the First Parish Climate Action Team
Stop by our table at Coffee Hour this Sunday, December 17th
In 2004-06, First Parish went through an internal process to be designated a Green Sanctuary Congregation. The goal was to make every aspect of congregational life as sustainable and environmentally responsible as possible. We asked ourselves what did we need to do to live our 7th Principle, to “affirm and promote respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.”
We then created plans to increase building sustainability, improve congregational practices, and create relationships with the wider community.
What you can do Right Now:
~ Sign up on December 17th to be part of the First Parish Climate Action Team and help imagine what we can do together in the coming year. Or contact Dave Pollack, Stephen Shick or Bob Kvaal
~ Learn more about the Massachusetts Carbon Pricing Legislation
~ Learn more about the issues and what others are doing:
Massachusetts Campaign for a Clean Energy Future
Climate Exchange Massachusetts
~ Come to Worship on February 11, 2018, and hear Rev. Fred Small, Climate Activist and one of the initiators of the Green Sanctuary movement.