Many people at First Parish participate every year in the Lexington Martin Luther King Day of Service. Following is the introductory announcement to the nature and events of the Day put out by the town-wide MLK Day of Service Committee:
5th Annual Lexington MLK Day of Service
Monday, January 15, 2018
The Town of Lexington will hold its 25th commemoration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day with its 5th Annual MLK Day of Service by shepherding our community to take part in assisting those in need. Our objective is to engage and mobilize people of all ages to participate in events and activities to serve others. United in philanthropy under the auspices of the Town Celebrations Committee, our target this year is to serve 2,000+ people through 400+ volunteers.
Program and Activities:
9–10:30 a.m. at Grace Chapel – Lexington Human Rights Council sponsor a Community Dialogue on Race. An opportunity to discuss in small groups ways to employ Dr. King’s principles, tactics and strategies to achieve greater equality & justice.
11 a.m. Unity Walk from the Lexington Battle Green to Cary Hall. Come and join our community in this fun and symbolic show of unity and solidarity in the name of equality and social justice.
11:30 a.m. at Cary Hall Commemoration Program and Musical Performances – Brief and uplifting performances by Lexington literary performer Regie O’Hare Gibson, Lexington Student presentations and Special Needs Arts Program (SNAP) Sing Along Chorus.
Volunteer activities throughout Lexington, Waltham (YMCA) and Brighton (Boston):
Activities include card-making for hospitalized children and veterans, meeting with homeless families at the Waltham YMCA for a day of activities, an invitation to Lexington Seniors to gather at Brookhaven for music, refreshments, and reflections on King’s legacy while donating to the new Bedford Green Apartments for previously homeless veterans, fleece-making of blankets, scarves, and hats, and a variety of opportunities for donations to places like the Lexington Food Pantry.
Evening concert:
UnMet Remembers MLK Day in Roxbury
Opera unMet brings their critically acclaimed performance The Ties That Bind to First Parish in Lexington on Monday, January 15 at 5PM. Through music, readings and interactive participation, this celebration has drawn diverse audiences together for over 20 years to reflect on the great works of Dr. Martin Luther King. Featuring Alan Rias, Emerald Johnson, Marta Rymer, Cliff Blake, Ellen Polansky, Joey Lenfest, Ezra Stevens and Marshall Hughes. The performance is family friendly, thought provoking and inspiring. It has been called ‘one of the brightest lights to shine on MLK Day’.
Admission is $15/adult, $10/students & seniors.
Please go to the website for further details and to sign up for activities. You can also email questions, or speak to Helen Cohen.