Yes, the Imagination Cafés are coming and you will be learning more about them as we brave the January days ahead. For now, the most important thing to know is that the cafés will be held on Sunday, January 28 and Sunday, February 11. Please mark your calendars to attend one or the other! Two identical cafés are being held to help ensure that all parishioners—long timers, newcomers, and in-between—will be able to participate in one or the other café. Each café will begin with a delicious, free lunch immediately following worship services on Jan 28 and Feb 11. The lunch will be in lieu of the social hour on those Sundays.
Following lunch (and even during, if you like) you will have a chance to engage with fellow parishioners in small-group conversations about the future of our church community. Those conversations will be guided by several “open questions” that the Board will look to for guidance from the congregation as we plan ahead for this year and the next. Kids and youth are welcome, and childcare will be provided for those who wish to use it. As I think you can tell, Rev. Anne and the Board would like to see everyone participate in this important event. Please plan to come.