Registration is still open for the new Adult Program in the New Year: Beloved Conversations: a collaboration with First Parish in Concord. Small groups have been developed from the availability of the current registered members. Please consider participating in this innovative new program. The small groups are: Monday Nights (2nd and 3rd), Tuesday nights (1st and 3rd), Monday Mornings and Wednesday afternoons, the latter biweekly schedule TBD. Please email Elisabeth Jas ( to register. You can learn more about the program on our website.
Developed by Meadville Lombard UU Theological School, this highly acclaimed program begins with a thought provoking retreat facilitated by a trained Fahs Collaborative staff. Small groups of 8-10 members from both congregations will then meet together biweekly for 8 structured sessions that connect both the sources of inspiration as well as the challenges of race/ethnicity and provide a space to re-form/fuse the brokenness of racism into new patterns of thought and behavior ushering in social and spiritual healing. Registration begins January 7th (limited availability, full commitment required). For more information see
Questions? Contact Elisabeth Jas ( or Rev. Anne Mason ( ).