The Climate Action Team will meet on Sunday March 11th at noon in the Parlor. Please join us!
Agenda items include: Clean Energy Omnibus bill update; Follow-up from Tuesday, March 6th meeting with Senator Friedman; FP’s UUA Green Sanctuary status; and plans to support the Missa Gaia performance in Apri.
The Climate Action Team agreed to meet every two weeks for the next two months to coordinate and expand outreach including participation in up-coming demonstrations to stop the Pipe Line extension in the Back Bay, participate in up coming Lobby Days of environmental organizations, and meet with Sierra Club to learn of their action plans.
This Week’s Action Item:
Support the Clean Energy Omnibus Bill. The first step is to get it out of the Senate Ways and Means Committee. Lexington Senator Mike Barrett and Cindy Friedman support this legislation and should be thanked: Cindy Friedman: 617-722-1432 and Mike Barrett: 617-722-1572.
Please call the following Senators to tell them that you support the Senate Clean Energy Omnibus Bill and that you have called your own senator:
Senator Karen Spilka: 617-722-1640, Chair, Ways and Mean8s Committee
Senator Harriett Chandler: 617-722-1544, Senate President