Soul Matters graphic in gold with orange hues and a blue, red and orange logo.

The Soul Matters experience has not just given me a way to practice my spirituality. It has provided me with a deeper understanding of what it means to practice… I think this is the best thing our church does.

The Soul Matters curriculum is our framework for Small Group Ministry and Adult Education here at First Parish. Small groups of adults commit to one another in Chalice Circles and meet monthly or bi-monthly to work on curriculum components together and support one another in loving community.

2024-2025 Themes

This year’s overarching frame is The Practices of Our Faith. We’re using this frame to focus on how Unitarian Universalism is lived faith that inspires us to act out our values in the world. Or to put it another way, we’re diving into our long-loved UU commitment to “deeds not creeds.” Our overarching frame is also a way for us to connect to our new UU core value of Liberating Love, with each of our monthly themes  framed as a practice that helps us embody liberating love in our daily lives.

The Practice of…
September:  Invitation
October:  Deep Listening
November:  Repair
December:  Presence
January:  Story
February: Inclusion
March:  Trust
April: Joy
May:  Imagination
June:  Freedom​

To learn more about joining a Chalice Circle, contact our minister.