Weekly Update

Subscribe to the Weekly Update
The email newsletter of First Parish in Lexington is published on Wednesdays at 4 pm. Submissions are due on Mondays at 10 am. Email submissions or inquiries to the church office.
  • Sunday Worship

    sanctuaryJoin Rev. Joanna Lubkin this Sunday for her sermon, Prayer for Atheists. “There’s some sort of joke out there that instead of beginning our prayers with ‘Dear God,’ Unitarian Universalists begin their prayers, ‘To Whom It May Concern.’ Together, we’ll explore the potential for prayer in our lives, and we may even explore the G-word.

    trebleclef Music this week will be provided by Yukiko Sekino. A soloist noted for her performances of Beethoven, Rachmaninoff, and Scriabin, Yuki frequently collaborates in chamber music and performs some of the most challenging twentieth and twenty-first century works. She is a graduate of Harvard University and the Juilliard School, and currently teaches piano at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the New England Conservatory Prep School.
  • About Our Summer Worship Leader

    Rev. Joanna Lubkin is the Unitarian Universalist Chaplain at Wellesley College, a part of an eight-person team of interfaith chaplains. She received a Masters of Divinity from Andover Newton Theological School and studied at Hebrew College Rabbinical School. Joanna is an affiliated minister at Arlington Street Church in Boston and is a member of the choir. She is an active leader and musician at The Sanctuary Boston and lives in Jamaica Plain.


  • August Office Hours for Rev. Anne

    rev-anne-mason Rev. Anne Mason begins her ministry with First Parish on August 1st, and she will be holding office hours throughout the month for parishioners who wish to meet with her.

    Hours will be Monday through Thursday from 9am to 1pm in her office and Wednesday evenings from 7pm to 9pm at Panera on Mass Ave.

    Please sign up for a designated time slot by clicking on this link to Signup Genius. If you have trouble opening the link, please contact Jane Foley.

    Rev. Anne looks forward to meeting with you!

  • A Note from the Board

    Tom-Rich Rev. Anne’s tenure at First Parish got off to a terrific start last week, as her Ministerial Support Committee hosted an Open House for Anne at the church last Tuesday. Over 80 First Parishioners attended! I want to thank the Committee members — Pete Tasker, Dan Fenn, Bobbie Hodson, Amy Jamison, and Jane Eckert — for all the work they put into this event, including decorating the Parish Hall, providing yummy desserts and drinks, and all the clean up work. Those of you who were not able to attend have plenty of opportunities to meet with Anne in August during her office hours.  Please contact Jane Foley in the church office to make an appointment.

    Tom Rich,
    Board Chair

  • Monthly Plate Donation for 2016/17

    collection-plate The monthly collection plate donation has become a strong program at First Parish. Over the past few years congregants have generously put more money in the plate following a presentation by a representative of a local charity. Follow up thank you notes attest to the warmth of our church members during the coffee hour.

    Now is the time to start thinking about putting together a new list of recipients for September through June. We hope that everyone will feel welcome to suggest places that they feel are appropriate and consistent with our UU values of service, inclusiveness and commitment to our community.

    Please feel free to email me. I will be away for parts of August but will be happy to field questions and take suggestions.

    For the Social Action Ministry,
    Carolyn Fleiss

  • Water Communion Ingathering Sunday

    Water Communion Whether you are spending the summer months in your backyard or travelling abroad, please gather and save a small amount of water for the Water Communion ritual during the Ingathering service on Sunday, September 11th.

    The water communion is a UU ritual, a time of sharing where you’ve been and reconnecting with one another. The water is poured into a common bowl and symbolizes the UU belief that many are one. Some of the water is often saved, sterilized, and then used for ceremonial purposes, such as child dedications, at other times of the year.

  • Memorial Garden Remembrance Bricks and Annual Fall Service

    memorial-garden The First Parish Memorial Garden remains lush and green this summer, thanks to our Memorial Garden watering volunteers. Parishioners and visitors may sit quietly there and enjoy the healing beauty of nature. The garden’s green plantings and granite bricks engraved with names of loved ones convey the message that those who are gone from our physical presence are still with us in memory.

    We will hold the annual Memorial Garden service in late September to dedicate new bricks and remember our loved ones. First Parishioners or their survivors may request a memorial brick to honor the life of a loved one by contacting the committee chairs (Sarah Matthews or Nancy Earsy) and making a special donation for the brick’s engraving and the ongoing maintenance of the Garden.

    Nancy Earsy,
    for the Memorial Garden Committee

  • Lexington Food Pantry

    Lexington Interfaith Food Pantry Please help our neighbors who rely on the Lexington Food Pantry to feed their families. There are two baskets by the front doors for donations of non-perishable food items, as well as in the bin outside of the church office. You can also make a cash donation by leaving it with the office or forwarding a check to the Lexington Interfaith Food Pantry, P.O. Box 635, Lexington, MA 02420.

    Questions? Contact Lynne Yansen.

  • Lifespan Religious Education News 2016-2017

    Sunday Morning Registration

    The church year will here before you know it! September 11th is our Ingathering Service of Water Communion and is an all ages service. Pre-K through middle school classes start on September 18th. Our Nursery is open for babies and toddlers starting on September 11th. If you have not enrolled your baby, toddler, child or youth yet, please fill out our Family Enrollment Form.

    Youth Groups, Coming of Age, and 8th Grade OWL

    Senior High Youth Group will continue to meet on Sunday evenings at 7:00-9:00. Junior High Youth Group meets once a month from 3:00-5:00 on Sundays. Coming of Age meets twice a month from 5:45-7:00 on Sundays.

    This year First Parish is offering the Our Whole Lives (OWL) program, which will meet in-house and is welcoming any outside families to participate. Parent orientation is on October 4th at 7:00pm, and OWL sessions start on Sunday evening October 16th.

    To register for youth programs, please fill out our Family Enrollment Form.

    Adult Programs

    We are very excited to start up our new format of small group ministry, Soul Matters (previously Chalice Circles/Covenant Groups). Soul Matters groups are led by a facilitator to engage in a monthly theme. This is a great way to develop deeper connections with the members and friends of First Parish, and to dive deeper into how our monthly themes inform us as a community and support you on your personal spiritual journey.

    For information on other Adult Programs, including Meditation Groups, Non-Fiction Group, Creative Callings (Fiber Arts Group) and Affinity Groups (Over 80s Group, Unity Group), please visit the website or contact Debbie Armstrong or Ruth Rose

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