Our season opens the Sunday after Labor Day with our Water Ritual. We hold an Animal Blessing in the fall – and all well behaved pets are welcome to attend with their owners!  For All Saints Day we honor the beloved we have lost in the year, and we hold a service in our Memorial Garden.   We celebrate Thanksgiving with the whole town of Lexington at the annual Interfaith service. 

The winter holidays are celebrated with interfaith services such as a Diwali service, a Pagan Winter Solstice with music and dance, and of course our highly attended Christmas Eve candlelight service.  We now find meaning in honoring the holidays celebrated across the globe, and in recent years we have celebrated Chinese New Year as well as Martin Luther King Day.  Spring brings us to  Easter with our own UU twist, as well as a pagan Beltane (May Day) service, and a much loved Youth Service. We round out the year with our annual Flower Communion in June.  

We continue to worship together over the summer, sometimes with lay leaders offering spiritual practices like yoga, walking our canvas labyrinth, writing poetry, creating art, and more.  Sometimes we join with other local UU churches in our Summer Worship Consortium, as we take turns hosting and visiting each other on a Sunday morning.