Sunday Service in the sanctuary

Worship is the central, unifying act of our congregation. In weekly worship services we respond to the inward call to live a fuller, more engaged life by coming together with others who share our aspirations and principles. We come together to deepen our understanding of our world and ourselves and to cultivate our ethical and spiritual lives.

We gather weekly to uphold what is of ultimate worth, what gives meaning. We are held in the embrace of community on Sunday mornings, seeing friends and acquaintances, and befriending those who are less familiar to us. We are then sent back to the world in some way transformed or at least renewed. Our sense of purpose restored, we are inspired to live by our values.

Through spoken and sung words, silence, music and the lighting of candles, we create a space for the holy to be experienced. A sense of the sacred is invoked. Together we practice arts of worship that inspire and transform. We sing together, we listen to stimulating readings from many sources, we sit in silent contemplation and prayer, we hear music from different genres. Our minister or guest speaker gives a message in which we are invited to think and act, and through which we feel connected to each other, the world, and the transcendent.

While many of us have individual spiritual practices, our weekly worship is a spiritual discipline that is communal. We create and sustain community through our worship, coming to know that we are not alone. For the journey through life, and for the spiritual journey, we are offered companions with whom to travel.

The best way to know more about our worship life at First Parish in Lexington is to join us on Sunday morning and experience it for yourself.