Sunday Services
Our Sunday services begin at 10:30 a.m. with a musical prelude and conclude after approximately one hour. Feel free to sit in any pew. Children generally join in the start of Sunday service then leave for religious education activities on the lower level. They will be engaged in those activities until the service is over at which time they will join in social hour following the service.

If you’re visiting us for the first time, you might not be familiar with some aspects of our service. “Candles of Joy and Concern” are candles lit by individuals to recognize the important things in their lives. Anyone can light a candle, but no one has to. After the service, feel free to greet the minister and service leader on your way to social hour in Parish Hall. Here’s more on what to expect in worship.
Social Hour
Immediately following the service, we gather in Parish Hall for beverages and snacks. We are a friendly bunch so please introduce yourself! We know what it is like if you don’t know anyone in the room. We invite you to stop by the Welcome kiosk, visit with a greeter there, and ask any questions you might have about our programs. Please know that we’re delighted to have you with us, and we’d love to chat with you.
We often host a Newcomer drop-in circle right after church. This is an opportunity to visit with the Minister and other parishioners from our Members & Friends Committee. It is a great way to get to know us and us you.