This September is a time to try new things, as we come together as a community with new dynamics and new leadership.
On Sunday, you may notice a bit of a different format in worship. The time for prayer will now occur earlier in the service, and the children will leave worship at two different times in the service. The youngest children, from preschool to 1st grade, will depart worship after the Time for All Ages, at the same time that the choir is gathering to sing the anthem, to head off with Michelle for their activities during Spirit Play. The older children and youth, from 2nd to 8th grade, will stay through the prayer time so that they can light candles for their own joys or sorrows. During the second hymn, they will leave with Sadie for their Chapel time where they will participate in activities based on our monthly worship theme. Nursery care will remain available for the entire service, as always.
We hope that this new structure will enhance our older children’s experience of worship, as they are valuable members of this congregation and we long for them to participate in our rituals. Please know that we plan to have time to discuss this as a congregation at the Congregational Conversation following worship on October 9th.
See you in church,
Rev. Anne