The Unity Group is a very active, inclusive, and welcoming group of women from First Parish and the wider community who meet once a month for lunch, companionship, and a program. Men are also welcome to join or come as guests. Members provide the lunch — no reservations necessary — just come as a guest, if you would like to get acquainted with the Group.
Please come to the next Unity Group meeting and program on Monday, October 3rd in Parker Hall. This month’s program is:
This is who we are!
Would you be willing to tell us something about yourself? …a memory from your childhood? …a favorite pet? …a special relationship? …an adventure? It doesn’t need to be happy, it can be happy, or sad, or even scary!
12:00 Socializing
12:30 Lunch
1:30 Program
If your last name begins with J, M or P, please bring a dessert. Everyone else, please bring a main dish, side dish or salad.
It’s time to pay dues for this year. Please mail a check for $35 made out to Unity Group to Shirley Stolz, 2139 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA 02421.