From Your Minister

revAnne4There are so many things happening in our world right now which are unsettling. Division. The rise of hate crimes. The unleashing of pent-up anger. Misunderstandings. Intimidation of people of color.

The one thing which I cling to in this moment is the sure knowledge that we, as people of faith, have a clear mission. As Unitarian Universalists, we continue to stand with the marginalized, to fight for the oppressed, to seek to understand the differences which are deepening the divide in our country. Here at First Parish we know that our message of love and hope is more needed now than ever before.

And so I hope that you will join us in the important things happening here at church. Come to worship on Sunday, to share the story of Stone Soup: the message of the hospitality we create together when we share what we have and drop our suspicions of each other. Open your hearts again and come to be together. And bring canned goods for the Food Bank.

Come to our church auction on Saturday night, to be with each other, to celebrate the community which has stood the test of time here in our beloved church. Come to support our vision of abundance and strength, and take an evening to enjoy each other’s company. Come to help build our future.

Come to the Vigil on Sunday after church, when we will stand together on the historic Battle Green to honor the Transgender Day of Remembrance. Now is the time to stand on the side of love, for we are a people who will help to shape a world in which “Earth shall be fair and all her people one.”

We are a people of faith, and a people of action. Invite your friends to join you. It will be good to be together in this time.


Rev. Anne