There will be a FIRE DRILL this SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4.
A fire alarm will sound after the Postlude this Sunday to indicate evacuation of the sanctuary and classrooms. The protocol below was established by the Safe Congregation Plan:
Minister announces a need to evacuate the building and reviews the instructions:
(1) exit calmly out the rear doors and slowly down the front steps
(2) walk across Harrington Road to the center of the Battle Green
(3) confirm that children downstairs and in the Common Room will be brought to the Battle Green to meet their families.
Worship Leader (only in an actual fire) calls 911 to alert fire department
Greeter Leader notifies Religious Education teachers and other groups to evacuate
Other Greeters calmly assist in sanctuary evacuation, encourage parishioners to proceed out the exits, and assure that adults with limited mobility ‘shelter in place’ in the front vestibule of the church (and NOT go down the stairs).
A few reminders:
1. Parishioners should bring coats to church
2. Children should bring coats to church and then to class
3. Coffee Hour still will be held, after the fire drill
4. Children’s Choir still will meet, after the fire drill
Thank you for your cooperation with this important drill.