Opera unMet brings their critically acclaimed performance The Ties That Bind to First Parish in Lexington on Monday, January 16th at 5:00 pm. Through beautiful music, readings, and interactive participation, this celebration has drawn diverse audiences together in Boston for over 20 years to reflect on the great works and words of Dr. Martin Luther King.
Music ranges from Spirituals to American Folk, and the audience is invited to read some of Dr. King’s great words. Featuring Alan Rias, Marta Rymer, Taiko Drummer Mark Rooney, Cliff Blake, Ellen Polansky and Marshall Hughes.
The performance is family-friendly, thought provoking and inspiring. It has been called “one of the brightest lights to shine on MLK Day.”
Admission: $15, $10 for students and seniors. Please call 617-445-7669 for more information.
Please join us!