Last Sunday in church Katie O’Hare Gibson kicked off our annual pledge drive with a lovely testimonial on why First Parish is important to her and her family. Last Sunday was also the first of a series of Sundays when members of the pledge drive team will be at a table during coffee hour to answer questions about the pledge drive.
The annual pledge drive brings in about two-thirds of the funds that provide worship and music on Sundays, pastoral care throughout the year, children and adult religious education programming, and community outreach. Our goal this year for the pledge drive is $393,000. Pledge cards will be mailed to parishioners in late February and we hope everyone will have pledged by March 12th.
On behalf of the Pledge Team (Bob Coyne, Marsha Fox, Bob Gibbons, Katie O’Hare Gibson, Tom Rich, and Erik Svenson) and your Parish Board, I thank you in advance for your pledge to First Parish and for helping us reach our pledge goal.
In the spirit of community.
Tom Rich
Board Chair