Three parts ~ Village Elder, Young Council Member, and YC Member’s Spouse ~ have lines to be memorized (the sooner you sign up, the sooner you will have the script to start memorizing!). The other parts ~ up to nine Council Members~ involve pantomiming, but have no lines.
Synopsis: Village Elder is throwing a party and asks Council Members to bring wine, Young Council Member feels annoyed by this, YCM’s Spouse is sneaky and devises a way to secretly not have to bring any. At party, other Council members bring their wine, and pantomime being at a party.
Rehearsals: Full Cast mandatory rehearsals on Sunday 2/26 at 11:45, and Sunday 3/5 at 9:30. Additionally, the three speaking parts will have a read through on Sunday 2/12 at 12:15. (There is no Children’s Choir rehearsal on 2/26- Children’s Choir members can participate without missing choir
Email Lisa Maria to sign up. Please indicate if a speaking part is desired or not.
ADULTS- I am also looking for one adult available on 2/26 and 3/5 to be my assistant director/assistant cast wrangler.