For years this congregation has stood as a sanctuary of liberal religion in Lexington. Our purpose today is as critical as it was 325 years ago. What is it that we each must bring to keep our chalice flame alight and continue our positive influence on the world around us? Join Rev. Anne Mason this Sunday at 10:30 as she explores how “Our Separate Fires Will Kindle One Flame.”
There will be Sunday School for Pre-K through 8th grade. The nursery will be open for babies and toddlers.
This Sunday, we celebrate the genius of Mozart. Amy Sims (violin) and Colleen McGary-Smith (cello) will be guest instrumentalist. They, along with Rip Jackson (piano), will play Mozart’s lyrical “Andante” and virtuosic “Allegro” movements (from the Piano Trio in Bb Major, K. 502) during the centering music and postlude. Amy Sims will also play the beautiful “Andante con moto” from Mozart’s Violin Sonata in Eb Major, K. 380 for the offertory. For the introit, the sanctuary choir will sing Mozart’s most popular choral anthem “Ave Verum” and Elizabeth Walsh will join them in singing the ethereal “Laudate Dominum” (from Mozart’s Vesperae solennes de confessore, K 339).
Click here to listen to Rev. Anne’s sermon of February 5th, “Balancing the Wheel.”