This week brings me a full awareness of the joy and the sorrow that are intertwined in life. It is the fullness of existence that I experience in ministry and in my own life, which makes me all the more grateful to be a part of this community of faith. I look forward to the Installation this week with excitement and gratitude for our shared ministry, noting with delight all the energy being poured into the preparations. I am so grateful for the host of volunteers who are making this happen – the team who are working tirelessly in the background, the musicians who are practicing, those who are baking and preparing healthy and wonderful food, and all who have pitched in to clean and paint and make our beautiful church sparkle. A special thanks to Deb Weiner Soule who is chairing this effort with grace and precision!
In the midst of all of this preparation, Simon and I are grieving the loss of his father. We will be heading to England for the memorial, the day after the Installation. During the week that I am gone, please hold us both in your hearts. If you have pastoral needs, please contact Jane in the office, and she will direct you either to one of our Pastoral Associates or to a colleague of mine. I will be able to read email next week as well, so don’t hesitate to contact me that way.
We also had a quick trip to Lancaster, PA to settle our house there. It was good to reconnect with a few friends in the midst of all the packing and cleaning, and it is good to know that we are now able to find a house up here. We are in the midst of negotiating something…..stay tuned!
With gratitude for this journey we are taking together,
Rev. Anne