Mayfair will be on Saturday, May 13th, less than TWO WEEKS away! This is our big spring fundraiser (and also a source for many a Mother’s Day treasure!).
1. Post a yard sign in your front yard beginning Sunday, May 7th. Signs will be available at church beginning Sunday, March 7th. Please sign up at the piano on Sundays, or using our link to Sign up Genius (see below).
2. Donate some time! How about:
~ baking some delicious goodies or other comestibles?
~ planting seedlings or re-potting plants?
~ making espresso at the coffee bar or serving delicious lunch to our shoppers?
~ selling on Saturday or sorting and pricing on Friday day and evening?
~ setting up before or cleaning up after?
3. Donate a much-loved but no-longer-needed treasure to sell! We eagerly await your:
~ Treasures and collectibles
~ Books, CDs, DVDs
~ White elephants
~ Plants
~ Your plastic and paper bags for folks to carry home their purchases.
Drop-off for donations at the church will be on Thursday, the 11th, 6:30 – 9:00 pm and on Friday, the 12th, beginning at 9:00 am.
Sign up sheets will be at the piano on Sunday or you can be in touch with Amy Breiting or Marty Kvaal.
Click here to go to the Signup Genius online account for Mayfair.