The Social Action Ministry (SAM) at First Parish comes from our Unitarian Universalist faith based on the values of love, justice, community and responsibility. We do this within the supportive environment of our broader church community and the mission of First Parish “…to act on our values to serve the larger community and create a more just and loving world.”
Annual Day of Service
This Sunday, May 28th, the Social Action Committee will continue signing up volunteers for our June 3 Day of Service. To date, we have the opportunity to participate in the following activities: Lexington Interfaith Garden (8-10), Lexington Food Pantry (6-sorry, no children), Communities Without Borders preparation of graduation gifts for Zambian children (no limit set yet), The Douglas House (improving the quality of life for residents with brain injury-no limit set yet; activities and lunch for residents), Lexington Conservation Stewards project on Wright’s Farm (stone wall clearing and invasive plant removal-no limit set yet). The day will begin at 8 AM with a blessing by Reverend Anne, organization with Team Leader, and BREAKFAST. Most activities will wrap up around 12 or 12:30. Thank you to our individual leaders: Marty Kvaal, Cherie Noe, Lynne Yansen, Al Jacobson, Brenda Prusak, and Ben Soule. Hope to see you there!!
If you will not be in church this Sunday but would like to participate, please email Elaine Hylek with your top two preferences.
Lexington Food Pantry – First Sunday Food Collection
With the aim of increasing the visibility of our commitment to the Lexington Food Pantry, and to highlight hunger in America in general, the Social Action Committee will place the food collection basket in the front of the sanctuary on the first Sunday of every month during the church year. Please make a special point to bring non-perishable items for the basket on that Sunday and deposit them on either your way into the sanctuary or on your way out. Our first first Sunday will be June 4, 2017. Please be generous and thank you.
~Tom Wanderer and Lynn Yansen for the Social Action Committee
Monthly Special Plate Collection
Thanks to your generous contributions during last week’s service, the amount of $966 will be donated to UU Mass Action. Thank you! The final special collection for the fiscal year will take place on Sunday, June 4th, when we will ask for donations for the METCO program. More information on this will be forthcoming.
~ Carolyn Fleiss