This is my final Weekly Update column as your Board Chair. At the June 13th Board meeting, the Board will elect a new Chair, and I will transition to ex-officio (non-voting) Board member. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve as Chair the past two years. I think we would all agree that it’s been an eventful two years: an Interim Minister, a new settled Minister, a new Religious Education Director, a new Music Director, a new Administrator, and new programs and initiatives started (Voices on the Green, musical concerts, revived interest in social justice). After years of minister and staff turnover, I think we have the outstanding minister and staff that we’ve longed for — I hope they are with us for many years to come. We’ve also seen extraordinary Building and Grounds activity this past year — my sincere thanks to Dave Pollack (Chair of B&G) and Toni Tasker for their leadership and hard work.
With gratitude,
Tom Rich
Outgoing Board Chair