I am recovering well from my recent neck surgery and looking forward to seeing everyone on Sunday morning, June 11th for worship. I will be working through June 18th and then will begin my summer period where I will be away quite a bit. For some of the time, I will be offline enjoying vacation and comp time. I will also be in the office at the end of July. I will be attending three continuing education workshops between late July and early September. And finally, I will be doing some work offsite beginning to prepare and plan for next year’s music and concerts. I am particularly excited to be working with Maris Wollf and the Vermont Dance Collective for a week later this month at Johnston State College working on next year’s
Missa Gaia! More information will be coming later about this very profound project celebrating Mother Earth through music, theater, visual arts, and dance! Thank you everyone for reaching out to me and sending me healing thoughts!!!