Summer Solstice is upon us – that time of year when the days and nights hang in equal balance. Simon and I are trying to shift the balance of our time in the next few weeks, moving from work related concerns to house and garden and family topics. As always we listen and read and absorb what is going on in the world around us, filled with concern for all who are marginalized and in threat of losing their health care or being deported. And in the midst of all of that, there must be time for some wonder-filled moments of paying attention to the beauty of this world, in the bird songs and flowers around us.
May your summer days have moments of beauty and relaxation wherever you can find them. May your summer evenings linger joyfully with friends and family. If you travel to special places, remember to bring back a sample of water from your sacred places for our Ingathering in September.
Thank you all for an incredible first year together. Thank you for the flowers and the framed copy of memories from the Installation. Thank you for being the wonderful, purposeful and joyful people that you are.
Have a restorative summer, and come to church when you can for we will have great preaching from our guest ministers all summer long!
Rev. Anne