UU Bulletin
A monthly newsletter from the Unitarian Universalist Association to keep you and your congregation informed.
General Assembly 2017 Wrap-Up
More than 4,000 Unitarian Universalists from around the world gathered for five days of workshops, worship, and witness around the theme of “Resist and Rejoice” at the 2017 General Assembly in New Orleans, Louisiana, held June 21-25. Major highlights included the election of UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray, the second-line parade and public witness with the #LoveResists campaign, and the Ware Lecture from Bryan Stevenson. See complete coverage of General Assembly in UU World.
Two books have been selected for the 2017-2018 UUA Common Read. One focuses on the work of dismantling white supremacy culture within today’s Unitarian Universalism, and the other provides a vision and guidance for some of our work in the public square.
- Centering: Navigating Race, Authenticity, and Power in Ministry, edited by Mitra Rahnema (Skinner House, 2017).
- Daring Democracy: Igniting Power, Meaning, and Connection for the America We Want, by Frances Moore Lappé and Adam Eichen (Beacon Press, 2017)
Centering is available now at inSpirit: The UU Book and Gift Shop, and Daring Democracy will be available in early September. We invite you to read both and to work with others to organize discussion groups in your UU community. A discussion guide for each book will be available in October. Find out more about this year’s Common Read and how you and your UU community can participate.
Do you know high school-aged youth who are great leaders? Invite them to join Luminary Leaders, a program for exceptional youth leaders who want to get more involved, network with one another, and be recognized for their skill and achievement. If youth have led worship, worked for justice, planned events, joined a ministry team, or graduated from a UUA youth training, they are excellent candidates for Luminary Leaders. Write a Letter of Endorsement for a youth leader you know and invite them to fill out the Luminary Leaders application. Luminary Leaders receive a lapel pin and official certificate recognizing their service to our Association. They are recognized on our website and their congregation receives a letter of congratulations. Luminary Leaders meet in a private Facebook group and at a reception at General Assembly. Help our youth know their leadership is valuable! Learn more on our website.
Volunteering with the UU College of Social Justice (UUCSJ) allows you to share your skills and talents to support the work of our partner organizations, while strengthening your own connections between faith and justice. Opportunities include:
- Supporting refugees and migrants within the U.S. and abroad
- Supporting underserved and disenfranchised communities within the U.S.
- Cultural immersion and spiritual exploration with Holdeen India partners
Stay up-to-date on future volunteer opportunities and join the growing Volunteer Team by completing an interest form.
Have you or your congregation been looking for ways to engage in the work of ending mass incarceration? Maybe you already do prison ministry and are looking for a network of support? The Church of the Larger Fellowship’s Prison Ministry has developed a new tool for Unitarian Universalists, the Worthy Now Network. WorthyNow.org offers classes, blog posts, and circles of support for people with a range of experience in prison ministry. There are three primary ways to engage: through the Letter Writing Ministry, the Prison Ambassadors Program, and Circles of Support. Join today at WorthyNow.org.
The work of the Unitarian Universalist Association is made possible by the generosity
of member congregations and individual donors.