As we approach the beginning of the church year, it’s not too early to start planning for this year’s Plate Donation Program. This special collection happens once a month, when money collected during the offertory are donated to local organizations to help support and sustain their programs. We are looking for suggestions from the congregation for recipients of the 2017-2018 Plate Donation program. Are there organizations you deeply care about or are involved with that you would like to see supported by us? We have only one commitment to donating in November to Black Lives UU. Some we are considering for the coming year are MLK Day, The Children’s Room, C4RJ (restorative justice), LexRap, Music Makes Me Happy, and Woburn Council for Social Concern. Please think about the wider community and how we can educate ourselves about it’s needs and awaken others to it’s needs. You can email your suggestions to Carolyn Fleiss, coordinator.