Phase I Capital Campaign Update

Phase I of the Capital Campaign has been a success thanks to the generous gifts of many at First Parish. As you have seen from the scaffolding, the contractors have been busy all summer installing new sanctuary windows and painting the church exterior.

If you haven’t yet contributed to Phase I, it’s not too late! We welcome your contribution as there are still compelling reasons to contribute. There are many other urgent building needs in our church:  painting the interior rooms, further upgrades of the bathrooms, perhaps repaying the Steeple Loan. The Capital Campaign Committee will make recommendations to the Board about suggested uses for these additional funds which will, in turn, be brought to the congregation and voted upon at the Semi Annual Meeting in October.

Please contact David Bovet to make a contribution to the Capital Campaign Phase One by September 10th.

And we will thank you for your gift with an invitation to a swell party for donors at Reverend Anne’s home on Saturday, September 16th at 4 pm. There will be hors d’oeuvres and dessert, cocktails and wine and entertainment, as Simon has agreed to perform on piano just for us.

We hope you will want to join us for what promises to be a delightful garden party for Capital Campaign Donors. Please be sure to get in touch with David Bovet before September 10th so that we can include you in our celebration.

Thank you for all you do for First Parish.

In Community,

Deb Lapides

Capital Campaign Phase I Committee