For all of the above, come to the Semi-Annual Meeting of the Congregation this Sunday after the service. Come to listen, vote, think, complain, wonder. Here’s the Official Warrant, but no arrests.
Sunday, October 22, 2017
in the sanctuary immediately after the close of the morning service
David Juitt (Parish Clerk) hereby notifies legal members* of First Parish in Lexington, Unitarian Universalist, to meet for the Semi-Annual Meeting in their sanctuary on Sunday, October 22, 2017, immediately after the service, to act upon the following articles:
ARTICLE 1: To elect a Moderator to preside at this meeting;
ARTICLE 2: To approve the minutes from the previous parish meeting;
ARTICLE 3: To receive the Annual Reports from Board, Committees, Ministries and Officers;
ARTICLE 4: To elect members of the Parish to fill the following church positions:
- Board Member At-Large;
ARTICLE 5: To hear a report from our Parish Minister, Rev. Anne Mason;
ARTICLE 6: To hear a report from Campaign Committee on the Capital Campaign initiative;
ARTICLE 7: To hear from Selected Committees;
ARTICLE 8: To hear any other business that may properly come before the meeting.
The Parish Board:
Chair: David Rose
Members-at-Large: Debbie Armstrong, Mary Brinton, Robert Gibbons, David Juitt,
Katherine O’Hare Gibson, David Pollack, David Rose, Elizabeth Walsh
Finance Committee Chair: Marsha Fox
Parish Clerk: David Juitt
Ex Officio: Rev. Anne Mason, Tom Rich
*Members are entitled to vote in Parish Meetings and to hold elective office only after having been members for a period of at least three months in order to acquaint themselves with the Parish.