When? This Sunday, October 29 at noon in Parker Hall after the Sunday Service.
First Parish has a longstanding connection with CWB: 18 years ago Dick Bail (FUSN), our own Al Jacobson (First Parish Lexington), and others traveled to Zambia and saw the devastating impact of the HIV/AIDS crisis on orphaned and vulnerable children and families. Thanks to CWB, these children now receive an education, medical screening, food and psycho-social support.
Three FP members — Meg Jackson, Toni Tasker and Lynn Perry — all traveled to Zambia this past summer with Communities Without Borders. Come hear about their involvement with teacher training, health screening, CWB’s opportunities for future travelers, and other experiences.
Considering a CWB service trip this summer of 2018? Come hear about the Al Jacobson/CWB Traveling Fellowship offered to two FP members and friends, teens through adults.
Please join us and hear how First Parish extends its Social Action work to the children of Zambia.
Questions? Please contact Margie Gibbons.