Thank you for all of the donations of gently used or new fall and winter outerwear for children, women and men. The box has been overflowing!
The clothing will be donated to immigrants supported by WATCH in Waltham, which serves families with limited resources. (See Families particularly need winter jackets, coats, snowsuits, snow pants, hats, gloves or mittens, and boots. Rugged outdoor coats for men are especially appreciated (most of these guys have outdoor construction jobs). Men’s sizes tend to be smaller (M and L, not XL usually), but WATCH can find a home for everything. Stylish coats for women are also a hit.
The outerwear needs to be clean and in good condition, so it can be distributed without delay.
Donations will continue through Sunday, December 3rd. Items may be brought to the Collection Center outside Jane’s office.
Questions? Contact Marty Kvaal…and thanks!