- Sunday Service
As the 325th Team planned our celebrations for this month, we were searching for the perfect phrase for our pressed glass ornaments featuring an image of our magnificent steeple. Our Minister Emerita, Helen Cohen, came up with “Still Aspiring.” This morning we wrap up our 325th celebration with worship, a luncheon together, bell ringing and drama. What better way to spend the day together, as people of faith, learning from our past and Aspiring towards the future!
This Sunday, the music will be representative of the history of First Parish in Lexington in celebration of its 325th anniversary. The choir will sing 18th-century Massachusetts composer William Billings bold “Creation” and his patriotic revolutionary song “Chester.” Ruth Rose and Sarah Matthews will play a Corelli Sonata for pipes and harpsichord. Rip Jackson will play Handel’s serene “Adagio” (from Sonata in F Major, G. 175) and Bach’s thrilling “Chromatic Fantasy in d minor, BWV 903” on his French double-manual harpsichord.
Click here for last week’s sermon by Rev. Anne Mason, “The Language of Gratitude.”
- Thursday Evening Film Series – Final Episode
Please join us this Thursday, November 30th from 7:00pm to 8:30pm in Parish Hall for the final in the film series, Long Strange Trip. This week’s video focuses on the merger between the Unitarian and Universalist movements, the UU involvement in the civil rights movement, and UUism today.
All are welcome! No registration required. Snacks will be served during the movie, followed by a brief discussion lead by Lisa Maria Steinberg.
- Final 325th Event this Sunday
(The Colonial Lunch is sold out.)
2:00 p.m. BELL-RINGING: Gather at the Old Belfry, at the corner of Massachusetts Avenue and Clarke Street. The Rev. Anne Mason will lead a litany of celebration.
PROCESSION THROUGH THE TOWN GREEN TO THE CHURCH, stopping at the significant sites.
3:00 p.m. “325 AND COUNTING: A FIRST PARISH HISTORICAL DRAMA” written and directed by Don Cohen, with music by Rip Jackson, starring Elisabeth Jas, Suzanne Adams, David Bovet, Chris Hess, and David Meharry.
An account of the founding of the church, the covenant, the first building, public confessions, and other highlights of our history.
Tickets are $10 for adults, $5 for children and youth, and are available at the door.
- Volunteers Needed for Luncheon
Thanks to all who have volunteered to help with the luncheon on Sunday. There are only two more slots left to help with clean up and break down from 2pm until done. If you can help, please sign up here. The more hands, the quicker the clean up!
Contact Elisabeth Jas for more information.
- First Sunday Food Collection
This Sunday, and on the first Sunday of every month, the Social Action Ministry Committee will place a food donation basket in the sanctuary for non-perishable food donations to benefit the Lexington Food Pantry. This basket serves to remind us that there are hungry people in Lexington, and that we can make a difference. Please place non-perishable items into the basket in the sanctuary on the first Sunday of each month or during office hours in the basket outside of the main office.
Please contact Lynne Yansen or Tom Wanderer for more information.
- Poinsettia Sale ends Sunday
If you would like to order a poinsettia from Wilson Farms for the holidays, First Parish will be accepting orders through Sunday, December 3rd.
The cost is $10.00 for a 6 1/2″ pot, with proceeds going towards the purchase of greens and other items for holiday decorating of the church. If you’d like your plant to be in honor or in memory of someone special, please include a message.
Please fill out an order form by clicking here, or fill out a form at the piano during social hour or contact the church office with any questions. Thank you!
- Winter Outerwear Clothing Drive
This Sunday is the last day to bring in winter outwear clothing for WATCH in Waltham, which serves families with limited resources. (See http://watchcdc.org/index.php.)
Families particularly need winter jackets, coats, snowsuits, snow pants, hats, gloves or mittens, and boots. Rugged outdoor coats for men are especially appreciated (most of these guys have outdoor construction jobs). Men’s sizes tend to be smaller (M and L, not XL usually), but WATCH can find a home for everything. Stylish coats for women are also a hit.
The outerwear needs to be clean and in good condition, so it can be distributed without delay.
Questions? Contact Marty Kvaal…and thanks!
- Al Jacobson / Communities Without Borders Traveling Fellowship
The Al Jacobson / Communities Without Borders Traveling Fellowship supports First Parish youth and adults as FP/CWB liaisons, strengthens First Parish’s commitment to CWB, and provides financial support for service trips. It sponsors two First Parish high school students or adults annually to travel with CWB and support its mission in Zambia. Each year, two fellows will be selected and awarded $2000 (approximately half of the cost) to participate in the annual CWB service trip to Zambia.
Who is eligible?
All First Parish high school, college-aged and adults are welcome to apply. Each year two people will be selected by the AJ/CWB TF Advisory Committee through an application process.
What is the timeline?
Applications are due on December 4, 2017. Interviews will follow in December and January. Applicants will be notified by February 1, 2018. Travel takes place every summer in late June and early July for a two-week service trip.
Where do the CWB travelers visit?
The AJ/CWB Traveling Fellows travel with CWB to Zambia, including Lusaka, Simukanka, and Victoria Falls.
How do I apply?
Applicants submit and complete applications, including 2 letters of references, to FP Office by December 4, 2017.
Lesley Benson, Margie Gibbons, Elaine Hylek, Al Jacobson, and Cherie Noe Al Jacobson / Communities Without Borders Advisory Committee
Previous Fellowship Travelers:
Meg Jackson 2017 Toni Tasker 2017
Questions? Please contact Margie Gibbons at gibbons5@rcn.com or (781)863-9899.
- Transgender Day of Remembrance
Last Sunday, Rev. Anne and members of the church joined with Rev. Paul Shupe of UCC Hancock in front of the church for a Transgender Day of Remembrance to honor those who have lost their lives to anti-transgender violence. The names were read by Rev. Anne, Rev. Paul, Tish Callanan, and Joan Robinson. Thank you to Lew Counts for the photo.
- This Week at First Parish
Wednesday, November 29 Choir Rehearsal 7:30 p.m. Sanctuary Master Singers Rehearsal 7:30 p.m. Parker Hall Thursday, November 30 Meditation Group 4:00 p.m. Parlor Adult Program Film Series 7:00 p.m. Parish Hall Scrabble Club 7:30 p.m. Parker Hall Sunday, December 3 Worship Service 10:30 a.m. Sanctuary 325th Luncheon 12:00 p.m. Parish Hall 325th Bell Ringing 2:00 p.m. Town Belfry 325th Presentation 3:00 p.m. Sanctuary Monday, December 4 Staff Meeting 11:00 a.m. Minister’s Office Members & Friends Committee 7:30 p.m. Green Room Tuesday, December 5 Music Committee 2:00 p.m. Green Room Finance Committee 7:30 p.m. Green Room Empty Sky Sangha 7:30 p.m. Parker Hall Wednesday, December 6 Creative Callings 1:30 p.m. Parlor Choir Rehearsal 7:30 p.m. Sanctuary Master Singers Rehearsal 7:30 p.m. Parker Hall
Weekly Update
The email newsletter of First Parish in Lexington is published on Wednesdays at 4 pm. Submissions are due on Mondays at 10 am. Email submissions or inquiries to the church office.