As we begin our congregation-wide conversation about who we are and who we want to become, we need to lift ourselves up from the everyday concerns of our lives. Join Rev. Anne Mason as she calls us to shift our perspective a bit and get a wider view, so that we can begin to dream together, with her sermon, “Up Periscope.”
This Sunday the choir will be joined by guest cellist Jennifer Morsches from the Sarasa Ensemble in presenting Tom Fettke’s lyrical arrangement of “Holy” (attributed to the 17th century composer Guilio Caccini). The children’s choir will sing “Little People” (from Les Mis). David Meharry will sing Henry Purcell’s beautiful song “Love Divine” (“Fairest Isle”) from The Fairy Queen. Jennifer will play 2 meditative movements from Bach’s Sonata in G Major for Viola da Gamba, BWV 1027 with Rip Jackson accompanying on harpsichord. For the postlude, she and Rip will play Salvatore Lanzetti’s energetic “Allegro – Caccia” (from Sonata IV in C major).
Click here to listen to last week’s sermon, “From Selma to the Biltmore” by Rev. Anne Mason