Category: WU_04-05-17

This Week at First Parish

Wednesday, April 5    
Choir Rehearsal 7:30 p.m. Sanctuary
Master Singers’ Rehearsal 7:30 p.m. Parker Hall
Thursday, April 6    
Five Wishes Program 11:30 a.m. Parish Hall
Communications Team Meeting 2:00 p.m. Common Room
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UUA General Assembly Registration Now Open

The 2017 UUA General Assembly, which takes place in New Orleans from June 21st through June 25th, is an opportunity for UUs from around the country to celebrate, caucus, sing, debate, and worship together. And this year, member congregations will … Read the rest

This Week in Social Action Ministry

The Social Action Ministry (SAM) at First Parish comes from our Unitarian Universalist faith based on the values of love, justice, community and responsibility. We do this within the supportive environment of our broader church community and the mission of Read the rest

Channing Memorial Fund Deadline April 26

The Unitarian Universalist History and Heritage Society is currently holding a denomination-wide fundraiser to repair and restore the memorial stone for the Rev. William Ellery Channing at Mt. Auburn Cemetery. Channing’s 1819 Baltimore Sermon crucially defined and celebrated the emergence … Read the rest

Save the Date – Broadway Concert

First Parish in Lexington will present a Broadway Cabaret on Sunday, May 7, 2017 at 3:30 PM, in the sanctuary. The concert will feature the First Parish sanctuary and children’s choirs and soloists, guest singers, and a pit band (piano, … Read the rest

Newcomer Info Session this Sunday

New to First Parish and/or Unitarian Universalism? Please join Rev. Anne Mason and the Members and Friend Committee on Sunday, April 9th at 11:45 am for an informational session about the church, UUism, and how you can become a part … Read the rest

Mayfair is Coming!

It’s coming on Saturday, May 13th. Please consider donating items to the Mayfair selection of jewelry, collectibles, white elephants, books, plants, and other good stuff.

More info will follow. Just please don’t toss it; donate it!

Slots are filling

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New England Regional Assembly: April 21 & 22

The NE Regional Assembly is being held in Woburn on April 21 and 22. On Friday evening there will be a forum with the UUA Presidential candidates and attendance is FREE! Pre-registration is required to know how many are coming.  
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Unity Group Luncheon & Program

Please come to the monthly Unity Group luncheon and program this Monday, April 10th. Social time at 12:00pm, lunch at 12:30, followed by the program at 1:30.

Do you know that April is National Poetry Month, when people are asked … Read the rest

Note from the Board

On behalf of your Parish Board and the Stewardship Team, I want to thank everyone who participated in our Annual Pledge Drive. As of last Monday we have received pledges totaling $406,764 from 166 households, including 16 households that pledged … Read the rest

Sunday Service

In the story of Holy Week, Jesus looked to his disciples for companionship while he struggled with the fate he knew was to be his. Yet his friends were so heavy with grief they could not keep their eyes open. … Read the rest

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