Category: WU_08-03-16

About Our Summer Worship Leader

Rev. Joanna Lubkin is the Unitarian Universalist Chaplain at Wellesley College, a part of an eight-person team of interfaith chaplains. She received a Masters of Divinity from Andover Newton Theological School and studied at Hebrew College Rabbinical School. Joanna is … Read the rest

Summer Worship

sanctuary Join Joanna Lubkin this Sunday morning at 10:30 for her sermon, “Forget Your Perfect Offering.” Ever have something you cared about so much and wanted to get so perfect that you never do it? Together, we’ll look at those moments
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Monthly Plate Donation for 2016/17

collection-plate The monthly collection plate donation has become a strong program at First Parish. Over the past few years congregants have generously put more money in the plate following a presentation by a representative of a local charity. Follow up thank … Read the rest

Click this button to benefit First Parish when you shop at Amazon.

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August Office Hours for Rev. Anne

rev-anne-mason Rev. Anne Mason begins her ministry with First Parish on August 1st, and she will be holding office hours throughout the month for parishioners who wish to meet with her.

Hours will be Monday through Thursday from 9am to 1pm … Read the rest

Water Communion Ingathering Sunday

Water Communion Whether you are spending the summer months in your backyard or travelling abroad, please gather and save a small amount of water for the Water Communion ritual during the Ingathering service on Sunday, September 11th.

The water communion is a … Read the rest

Lexington Food Pantry

Lexington Interfaith Food Pantry Please help our neighbors who rely on the Lexington Food Pantry to feed their families. There are two baskets by the front doors for donations of non-perishable food items, as well as in the bin outside of the church office. … Read the rest