Category: WU_08-24-16

Sunday Worship

sanctuaryChoose Your Own Adventure: Sermon Edition

What happens in this sermon? You decide! This sermon is based on the popular “Choose Your Own Adventure” book series where the reader gets to decide the fate of the characters. You’d be surprised

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Water Communion on Ingathering Sunday

Water Communion

Ingathering Sunday is only a few weeks away! Whether you have spent the summer months in your back yard or traveling abroad, we hope you saved a small amount of water for the Water Communion ritual during the Ingathering Service

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About Our Sunday Worship Leader


Otto O’Connor graduated with his M.Div. from Andover Newton Theological School in May 2015. He is currently pursuing an M.A. in Global Interreligious Leadership at Andover Newton, and serves as one of the co-presidents of the Community of Unitarian Universalist … Read the rest

Lifespan Religious Education News 2016-2017

Sunday Morning Registration

The church year will here before you know it! September 11th is our Ingathering Service of Water Communion and is an all ages service. Pre-K through middle school classes start on September 18th. Our Nursery is open … Read the rest

Monthly Plate Donation for 2016/17

collection-plate The monthly collection plate donation has become a strong program at First Parish. Over the past few years congregants have generously put more money in the plate following a presentation by a representative of a local charity. Follow up thank … Read the rest

Click this button to benefit First Parish when you shop at Amazon.

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Lexington Food Pantry

Lexington Interfaith Food Pantry Please help our neighbors who rely on the Lexington Food Pantry to feed their families. There are two baskets by the front doors for donations of non-perishable food items, as well as in the bin outside of the church office. … Read the rest