Category: WU_10-26-16

This Week at First Parish


Wednesday, October 26

Choir Rehearsal 7:30 p.m. Parker Hall
Thursday, October 27
Creative Callings 2:00 p.m. Parlor
Meditation 4:00 p.m. Parlor
Lexington Refugee Assistance Program 7:00 p.m. Common Room
Friday, October 28
Master Singers’ Rehearsal 7:30 p.m. Sanctuary
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Chalice Circles

soul-matters-logoHave you signed up for a Chalice Circle yet? These small groups follow the Soul Matters curriculum, engaging participants in a deepening of understanding and spirituality around our church’s monthly themes. We have almost enough people to be able to … Read the rest

Goodbye and Thank You to Michelle Lee


I am sad to share that our wonderful Spirit Play teacher, Michelle Lee, will be leaving our First Parish Religious Education Staff Team family at the end of the month. Michelle is moving to Florida to pursue opportunities there and

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Note from the Board


This coming Sunday after the service we will hold our Semi-Annual meeting. There are two important reasons to attend this meeting (other than fulfilling one of the basic obligations of membership at First Parish):

– you will hear about an

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Monthly Tidbit from the Kitchens Committee

Each month, the Kitchen Committee will let you know what we are doing to keep the kitchens at First Parish clean, organized, and safe for all who use them. Ever wonder why we don’t use sponges in the kitchens? Because
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Coming Soon – Legacy Workshop

legaciesDon’t miss this amazing opportunity to join Meg Newhouse as she leads a half-day interactive workshop on living as legacy—the ongoing imprint of one’s life and gift to future generations. Participants will explore the legacies they have received and those Read the rest

Creative Callings

yarnThis Thursday, October 27th, all are welcome to participate in an informal group of members and friends who enjoy fiber arts. Bring you knitting, crocheting, beading or other fiber work and meet in the church parlor from 2:00 pm to … Read the rest

Fire Safety at First Parish


In keeping with the Safe Congregation Plan of First Parish, members of Buildings and Grounds have updated the fire safety needs of the church. Areas addressed have included an inspection by the Lexington Fire Department, increased number of fire extinguishers, … Read the rest

Thursday – Nonfiction Book Group

tribeAll are invited to come to the next gathering of the Nonfiction Book Group. On Thursday, November 3rd, the book, Tribe by Sebastian Junger will be discussed from 7:30 until 9 pm in the Parlor. Here is a short description
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Sunday Service


From the earliest times people have found ways to honor their loved ones. From Samhain to Halloween to All Souls Day we celebrate our connections to those who have come before us.  Please bring a photo or small object which … Read the rest

Help Needed for Folk Concert


The exciting performance of Folk Music – instrumental and choral – is coming very soon to our historic church. It is an outstanding event that deserves a special and welcoming reception after the program. Offering to donate cookies and cold … Read the rest

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