A burning bush without god is only fire.
Sep 29, 2019
10:30 am - 11:30 am
First Parish in Lexington
Our Jewish siblings take the beginning of the year to celebrate Rosh Hashanah. As Unitarian Universalists, we have much to learn from the experience of repentance. But why is this such a difficult concept for so many of us?
This Sunday, the sanctuary choir will sing two glorious choruses from the 18th century. For the introit, they will sing Haydn’s spirited “Gloria in Excelsis Deo” (from Heiligmesse) and Vivaldi’s “Cum Sancto Spiritu” (from Gloria). Julia Jaffe and Elizabeth Walsh will sing a lyrical setting of the Jewish prayer “Shabbat Shalom,” with original music composed by Rip Jackson. For the centering music, Rip Jackson will play Antonín Dvořák’s serene Largo (from The New World Symphony). And for the postlude, Rip Jackson will play on the Hutchings pipe organ Boëllmann’s Bach’s joyful “Preludium and Fuga in G Major, BWV 557.”