Jams for Justice
Nov 12, 2023
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Jams for Justice
A Concert of Inspirational Music for Voices and Jazz Band
With the First Parish Sanctuary and Youth Choirs and Soloists
Directed by Rip Jackson
Sunday, November 12, 2023 at 3:30 PM
First Parish in Lexington
7 Harrington Rd. Lexington, MA
Free will offering to benefit the Hamilton-Garrett Center for Music and Arts
First Parish in Lexington presented a concert of Gospel, Broadway, Jazz and inspirational music on Sunday, November 12, at 3:30 PM. The concert, directed by Rip Jackson, featured the First Parish sanctuary and youth choirs, vocal soloists, and an 11-piece Jazz band (piano, drums, electric guitar, electric bass, saxophones, woodwinds and brass) performing inspirational solo and choral Gospel and Jazz music and selections from Broadway including Godspell, Miss Saigon, Wicked and The Lion King. The concert took a free will offering with 100% of the proceeds to benefit the Hamilton-Garrett Center for Music and Arts, a Boston-based non-profit, committed to the development of Boston’s next generation of innovative artists through the celebration and preservation of Black music. This vital arts organization provides high-caliber formal music instruction to youth throughout Greater Boston, preparing them for a future in music that challenges inner-city youth to see themselves as positive producers of culture, music, and the arts as a whole, rather than merely consumers of it.