“Justice, Equity, and Compassion”
Jul 8, 2018
10:30 am - 11:30 am
First Parish in Lexington
This Sunday morning, First Parishioners Jane Beswick and Debbie Armstrong will be the worship leaders. This interactive worship will incorporate “active listening” as is the practice in the Soul Matters Sharing Circle program, which First Parish has been participating in this year. Soul Matters is a “network of Unitarian Universalist congregations who follow the same monthly themes so we can more easily share small group material, as well as worship, sermon, music and children’s religious education resources. Despite the distances between us, we are spiritually connected by the themes, traveling each month on the same journey.”
Jane and Debbie invite all to participate in the service on the topic of our second UU Principle: Justice, Equity and Compassion in human relations at 10:30am in Parish Hall.