Forum on Medical Aid in Dying
Oct 4, 2018
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
First Parish in Lexington
No one should have to suffer at the end of life. Even with the best care and pain management many dying patients suffer. Others fear their pain will become unbearable. Medical Aid-in-Dying, is a human rights issue and is about patient autonomy. Terminally ill patients, mostly suffering from incurable diseases, want the right to have a measure of control at the end of their lives. The right to request medical aid-in-dying places the ability to choose solely in the hands of the terminally ill patient. Those facing a terminal illness do not want to die but — by definition — are dying. They are facing an imminent death and want the option to avoid unbearable suffering. End-of-life healthcare decisions should be made by an individual with consultation from their medical providers and family.
Join us for an informative presentation on Medical Aid in Dying followed by Q & A. Members of the panel will include:
- Rev. Anne Mason, First Parish Minister
- Dr. Cherie Noe, Geriatrician
- Dr. Terry R. Bard, Rabbi
- Amanda Baudanza, MAID Advocate
- Marie Manis, Compassion & Choices MA Campaign Manager.
The panel will be moderated by Sen. Mike Barrett.
Where: FIRST PARISH LEXINGTON, 7 Harrington Rd., Lexington 0 2421
When: Thursday, October 4th
Time: 7:30 – 9:00
Parking & entrance in the rear of church