“Nailed It!”
Oct 22, 2017
10:30 am - 11:30 am
First Parish in Lexington
Five hundred years ago in October, Martin Luther spoke truth to power. In protest, this monk nailed 99 theses on the door of the Wittenburg Castle Church, articulating what he believed the Catholic Church was doing wrong by selling indulgences. Today we celebrate the legacy of his courageous act which began the Protestant Reformation, and explore how this is still important for us as heirs of a faith which asks us to question authority and find a true religious path.
This Sunday, guest organist Sarah Hager joins bass soloist David Meharry in offering great German Reformation music. David Meharry will sing J. S. Bach’s powerful “Quia fecit mihi magna” (from his Magnificat in D Major, BWV 243) and Martin Luther’s chorale “O Lord, We Praise You. Sarah Hager will play Bach’s “Prelude in E Minor, BWV 533,” and Johann Pachelbel’s “Toccata in G Minor and “Prelude and Fugue in G Major” on the Hutchings tracker organ.
Rev. Anne Mason, Worship Leader